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Snake: M.E.D.I.C.S.: A Steamy Instalove Military Medical Romance



  Book 6

  Pandora Snow

  Copyright @ 2020

  Exclusive Amazon Release

  Falling Belle

  (Companion to Falling Grace)

  Grace broke my heart without knowing. Annabelle suffered excruciating pain and loss. How can two broken people learn to find love again?

  Download Today!


  The battering rounds of artillery stop my heart. I roll on top of the wounded soldier, shielding him from bursting shells. M-16's are firing from my left, and from my right, men frantically duck for cover behind artificial barriers. The battle fire ceases, my arms scooping up the wounded private and running desperately for the infirmary. I see Sergeant Hayes entering from the opposite side of the tent. The Commander orders me to a nearby metal table where Cyrus is standing by.

  Dear God. I feel Private Hampton slipping away before I've even set him down.


  "I hate you!"

  "I hate you more!"

  "Yeah, well I hate you so much I want to marry you!"

  "Yeah, well I hate you so much I say yes!"

  Soft sorrowful sniffles wake me from a brief nap. I reach my open arms for Annabelle, offering her a warm comforting hug. I don't know why she always chooses heart-wrenching romantic movies. All they do is foster her grief over the loss of Jonathan.

  "Sorry I dozed off. Next time I'll pick an obnoxious comedy like Stripes and make you watch it twice."

  She laughs as we both stand, embracing gently before I leave.

  "You're more fatigued than usual, Snake. Are you feeling alright?" If my weariness is that noticeable, maybe it's time to see the doc.

  "Of course. I just put in a couple long days this week." My dear sweet friend Annabelle doesn't need to worry about me too.

  "Will I ever find love again?"

  She asks me the same question every time we hang out. She needs a date.

  "You're beautiful, smart, and cook a mean lasagna. I have a gut feeling the perfect man is waiting right around the next corner."

  "I hope so, have a great weekend."

  "You too."

  My body collapses on the couch as soon as I walk into my small apartment. I haven't had the stamina or strength lately to keep up my macho charade. My life is a blur of long hard days and lonely, unfulfilling nights. Beer nights with the squad and movies with Annabelle are the only two reasons I keep pushing. I need them.

  Since returning from Iraq, my body has weakened month by month. The army physician ran tests a few weeks ago and chalked my symptoms up to stress. My energy reserves are far too low to start a relationship, though I'd sacrifice everything to find my forever girl.

  The blaring alarm clock sounds in the other room, startling me awake. I slept on the couch in my dirty work clothes the entire night. Perhaps I'll stop by the doc's office this morning on my way to the garage.

  I've been working in the engineering department at Fort Bragg since returning from my four-year tour of duty. The pay is marginal, but I get free housing, food, and medical care. My commanding officer asked me this week if I'd be interested in a second deployment. I requested a few days to consider my options, knowing I'm not physically capable of surviving the harsh conditions in this exhausted shape.

  "Good Morning, Doc," I greet, glad to see the waiting room empty.

  "Private Camden, great to see you. How's my favorite soldier?" He knows I'm not here for social hour.

  "Nurse, please bring me Snake Camden's file and see him to room one. I'll be with you momentarily."

  "Follow me, please," she says kindly, taking my vitals. I'm flipping through mental textbooks for a possible diagnosis. Prostate cancer is an altogether too common illness among men returning from Iraq, but I don't feel my condition is that severe.

  "Have your physical symptoms worsened since the last round of blood tests?" Dr. Franklin asks, walking into the room.

  "I'm fighting significant fatigue at the end of the day, including weekends. Now that you mention it, my lower back soreness has increased."

  There weren't any medical positions available when I returned, so I agreed to transfer to engineering. I spend the majority of my hectic days maintaining the massive fleet of base vehicles. Lately, I've been wrenching on larger trucks, which could explain the back pain.

  "You've been presenting with these symptoms for months. It's time to get some x-rays and an MRI of your spine. You may have skeletal trauma from your service in Iraq. These types of underlying impairments may finally be manifesting into physical symptoms."

  His initial expert conclusions resonate with my training. This is an easily correctable minor health challenge. I probably just need extra sleep.

  "Private Camden, I want you to take these warning signs seriously. You're of no use to other soldiers if you don't take care of yourself first. I'll have the nurse schedule testing and give you a call."

  "Sounds good, Doc, thanks." I'm standing to leave when he issues a second set of instructions.

  "You aren't going to like me, but I must recommend you refrain from alcohol and unhealthy food while your body heals."

  He's right, that advice sucks. The door opens, and we walk into the hallway.

  "Keep up the good work, soldier."

  The squad is meeting at Tinder's tonight for beers. I get a major kick from ribbing Hayes about his transient employment and inability to score with women. He knows I'm kidding, but riling him up makes my day. Being obnoxious on the outside is the only way I keep from succumbing to the pain and heartache on the inside. I need a date too.


  I'm sitting in commons with a semi-edible slice of meatloaf. "Second round?" Chance asks, knowing my voracious appetite.

  "No thanks," I reply, checking my phone. The nurse booked me an appointment tomorrow morning at nine to have both X-rays and an MRI. She said if I don't take the appointment, the wait is three weeks.

  "You feeling alright?" he asks, aware I haven't been pulling my full weight lately. I appreciate him for picking up the slack.

  "Yeah, Doc said I need chiropractic care or something, nothing major."

  "So are you going to listen and schedule some sessions?" He's a dedicated soldier and loyal friend

  "Yes, Mother," I reply sarcastically.

  "I'll go with you if that's what it takes. Don't cut corners with your health, Snake; the team relies on you."

  His friendship is admirable. I quickly reply to the nurse confirming tomorrow's appointment and empty my half-eaten tray into the waste bin. I'm not supposed to drink, but lately it's the only relief I can find.


  "Hayes, over here!" Everett shouts as Matthis walks in. Cyrus and I are two beers ahead of him and Everett, giving me just enough bravado to rattle Matthis' cage.

  We toast to his new job, a cushy assignment at the Army Rehab Center on base. I respect Matthis immensely for his dedication to serving soldiers. He was promoted to Sergeant within months of arriving in Iraq, leading and controlling the medic team a naturally inherent skill. Nothing says I love you like a perfectly timed punch line.

  "How was your first day?" I ask charmingly, my elbows resting on the table with wonderment in my eyes. "Meet any cute women?" I have to admit, there are plenty of pretty single ladies on base, but the competition is stiff.

  "Mostly privates," he slings back, all of us laughing at the inside joke.

  The flushing of his cheeks gives away the truth underneath his smart aleck reply, my mouth blurting out:
  "You did! You're fucking blushing!"

  As always, my timing is impeccable as we toast to his potential opportunity with another round of beers. A beautiful sexy blonde is glancing my way from the bar, liquid courage masking the physical shortcomings I've been experiencing.

  "Let me show you how it's done," I boast in a pompous tone.

  The squad wanders out of the bar a few minutes later as my conversation winds down. Brianna seems like a smart well-grounded woman, but I'm not feeling any sparks, nor do I have the strength to pursue her.


  The lobby of the medical center is plush, creating a warm, casual environment. I check in with the front desk and take a seat near the spotless windows. Sunshine is streaming in, bringing back an oddly comforting feeling of home away from home. The scorching desert heat was unforgiving, but the camaraderie was priceless.

  My attention is drawn to a petite young woman stepping out of a brand new metallic blue Camry. Her honey-blonde hair is shining in the light as she locks the door, gently fluffing her gorgeous locks.

  My eyes attentively follow her as she walks through the automatic doors, a serene expression on her lovely face. My sprouting interest remains glued to her well-proportioned body as she checks in. The receptionist smiles warmly, engaging in friendly conversation. They must know each other.

  She senses my curious eyes watching her, looking to me as she approaches a cushioned sofa. An inviting smile springs forth from her lips, landing squarely inside my heart. I'm so completely smitten I don't hear the nurse calling my name.

  "Mr. Camden, Snake Camden?" the nurse says again, jolting me out of this magical connection. I quickly return her magnificent smile before walking through the double doors.

  What an unexpected heart-stirring moment. This woman should have a glowing halo around her head she's so angelic. I make a wish that I'll be lucky enough to see her again when my tests are complete.

  I'm dressed in the standard-issue gown, embarrassed to be commando in front of two female assistants. They explain the MRI process and instruct me to line down on the cold hard table. Despite the graphic nature of the injuries I treated in Iraq, I avoid tending to my personal health like the plague. My stomach's a little queasy.

  Nervousness floods my body as I'm enclosed in the chamber, the nurse talking to me through a speaker inside. She notices my hesitancy and instructs me through a few rounds of Box Breathing. The waves of anxiety pass enough for her to proceed. The non-evasive scan lasts twenty minutes, my overactive imagination fabricating treatment scenarios. I release an enormous sigh of relief when I'm returned to the open air.

  My body is still off balance as I walk down the carpeted hall to my dressing room. A woman steps out from the right, bumping into my muscular arm.

  "I'm so sorry," she says softly, lifting her flustered eyes to mine.

  My wish is granted.

  "Hi," I say bashfully, her hypnotizing brown eyes preventing further speech.

  "Have a great day," she offers with a knockout smile and saunters towards the exit.

  Dammit. If I had underwear on, I'd chase her down and ask for her number. My groin twitches in agreement as I quickly close my dressing room door. Her energy was captivating, intoxicating, and sincere. We've seen each other twice; the third time has to be a charm.


  Dr. Franklin calls me into his office Thursday morning as I'm test driving a Humvee. My happenstance connection with the sweet girl yesterday is replaying through my hopeful thoughts. The faint scent of jasmine I caught from her is still strong in my nostrils.

  I'm sitting anxiously in the small waiting room, the friendly nurse informing me there are two soldiers ahead of me. The front door opens, two smiling mouths instantly greeting each other.

  "Hi," she says happily, an enthusiastic expression illuminating her beguiling eyes. The form-fitting crimson shift dress she's wearing perfectly complements her splendid figure.

  "Hi," I grin like a schoolboy, standing to offer a proper introduction.

  "Private Snake Camden, pleasure to meet you, Maam." Her soft fingers interlace with mine, sparks dancing through the air.

  "Bethany Brigham, pleasure to meet you, Private Camden." Her name sounds familiar, but I'm too enveloped in her bewitching feminine energy to pursue the thought.

  She chats with the nurse for a moment, then sits gracefully beside me, knees pointed my direction. I feel a fluttering sensation circulating through my cells, her body language open and receptive.

  "Where on base do you work, Private Camden?"

  "Please, call me Snake," I reply politely, feeling instantly comforted with her by my side.

  "I'm currently assigned to engineering, though my hope is a medical department position will become available. I was a Combat Medic in Iraq for four years. I love the satisfaction of treating soldiers and serving my country."

  My emotions are flowing freely, vulnerability feeling safe in the presence of the beautiful Bethany. She laces her delicate fingers in mine, thanking me for my service. My initial flutters are bursting into wildfire in my thumping heart. The honest connection of holding hands has me utterly spellbound.

  I'm about to open my mouth and ask for a date when the nurse calls my name. Bethany reads the disappointment on my face and says she'll see me when I'm finished. I think this means she likes me. I more than like her back.

  "Private Camden," the doctor says as he walks in. Addressing someone by their formal name is never a good sign.

  "Your MRI shows signs of skeletal degeneration in your lower back, likely due to years of stress and strain during your tour of duty. This evidence explains your increasing fatigue and pain." He places the scans under the X-ray light and shows me the exact location of the spinal weakness.

  "I agree, this makes perfect sense given my steady decline in physical stamina. Do we treat this with therapy such as chiropractic care?"

  "Yes, that's where we'll start. Correcting spinal subluxations to increase blood flow will be the largest determining factor in your recovery. Unfortunately, bone doesn't regrow Private Camden. You must manage your symptoms and follow a strict treatment protocol to prevent further damage."

  "Will this affect my current position with engineering, Doc?" On the one hand, this could lead to a position requiring less physical endurance, like the lab. On the other, my current level of physical stress is necessary to maintain peak conditioning.

  "There's no need to change your assigned duties at this time, soldier. The nurse will arrange a therapy protocol, and I'll inform your commanding officer. Let's reevaluate in six weeks. Call me if you experience any dramatic change in symptoms."

  "Will do Doc, thanks."

  "I'll walk you out.” He hands my chart to the nurse as we proceed towards the exit.

  My grateful smile widens as I see Bethany chatting with the receptionist. She actually waited for me! I'm honored, and more than excited to ask her to dinner.

  "Bethany!" Dr. Franklin greets cheerfully, giving her a friendly, warm embrace.

  That's strange; her last name is Brigham. She's not his daughter.

  "Hi Dr. Franklin, taking good care of our troops?" she asks, looking directly into my admiring eyes.

  "Always," he replies, glancing between the two of us as I escort her towards the front door.

  "Give your father my highest regards," he says in parting as we breathe in the heated fresh Carolina air.

  I pause for a brief moment; the dots being connected as we walk towards her sedan. Holy shit. She's Commander Brigham's daughter. No pressure then. No, none at all.

  Miss Bethany Brigham agreed to a date tomorrow night. I nearly chickened out, knowing her father runs the entire base. He's a formidable, intimidating man who commands the utmost respect. I'll have to make sure my behavior is impeccable and treat her with the class she deserves.


  I'm walking into the Rib Shack as my phone pings, a message from Annabelle.

p; "Hey Snake. My mom's coming over this weekend so I have to cancel movie night. Are you feeling better?"

  "Much. Doc has me going to therapy. Call me if you need anything." I'll double my efforts this week to find a man worthy of her unconditional friendship. She'll jump through the roof when I tell her about Bethany.

  "Sergeant Hayes, great to see you!" Ian calls out as Matthis arrives. I can't wait to tell him he gets to touch me every week. He'll be ecstatic.

  We're shooting the breeze and toasting to Ian's engagement for a second time when three confident, gorgeous women walk in. They immediately catch my attention. Time to play my role.